Monday, February 23, 2009


Obama defends Bush-era secrets
(hey, it's ok now, Barry said so)

President Obama’s administration is moving aggressively to protect what the government insists are “state secrets” from a Bush-era wiretapping program. Justice Department lawyers filed an emergency motion Friday with a federal appeals court in an effort to block a lower court’s order that the government must show lawyers for the Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation a copy of a document indicating that the group’s communications were being intercepted. The document has been the subject of a running legal battle since the papers were accidentally sent to attorneys for the group in 2004 and subsequently retrieved. “Disclosure of the material at issue here would cause exceptionally grave harm to the national security and result in irreparable injury to the United States,” the Justice Department wrote. It said information about the surveillance program is considered “Top Secret — Sensitive Compartmented Information.” The government wants the wiretapping lawsuit thrown out on the basis of the state secrets privilege, but a federal judge in San Francisco ruled that the privilege is overruled by a law Congress wrote, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Attorney General Eric Holder promised during the confirmation process to conduct a review of the Bush administration’s frequent use of the state secrets privilege. However, the emergency appeal in the al-Haramain case signals that Holder concluded the controversial privilege was correctly asserted there. Earlier this month, civil libertarians were disappointed when the Justice Department stood by the “state secrets” tactic in opposing a suit brought by men who claim they were abducted by the Central Intelligence Agency.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Absolutely astounding. Our tax dollars originally funded ACORN to literally EXTORT banks into giving poor people, with poor credit histories, low cost (to them) loans to buy homes they couldn't afford. Sweet.

Now that the circle is complete, and the homes that everyone knew would go sideways, do in fact go sideways, who is the champion of the non-foreclosure cause? Why, it's your taxpayer funded friends again at ACORN leading the charge to let these people stay in their homes that they couldn't afford to begin with, much less afford them now.Welcome to 2009 and The New New Deal. You are no longer responsible for a fucking thing.The Federal Government and it's Leaders have said so, therefore, it is so.

I'll be honest, I couldn't make it through the entire interview. I would never have believed such a person or such an organization could garner so much support in a country like this.

We are sooooo farked.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


The justice department ruled that some 600 so-called enemy combatants at Bagram have no constitutional rights.Most have been arrested in Afghanistan on suspicion of waging a terrorist war against the US.The move has disappointed human rights lawyers who had hoped the Obama administration would take a different line to that of George W Bush.

Now that The Obama Justice Department has decided to retain and enforce THE EXACT SAME POLICY AS THE BUSH JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, it would seem reasonable that those calling for War Crimes Charges against GWB for doing this, should be just as incensed at Obama, right??
Let me put this in terms even liberals can comprehend: Barack Obama is holding detainees without benefit of counsel just like George Bush.

That makes Obama a war criminal too, just like Bush, right???

The US military considers Bagram detainees unlawful combatants who can be detained for as long as they are deemed a threat to Afghan national security.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


My guess is they won’t have to file for bankruptcy. Odds are much better they’ll continue to receive gobs of dough from congress which in turn will be mandating what cars they build, where they build them, and who builds them (UAW, duh).
This a democrat congress dream come true, they have the big three (at least Chrysler & GM) by the balls and they will not squander the opportunity to get the cars built THEY know are best for us, and you can bet your ass they’ll still be built by UAW workers, and they will NOT be making any concessions, as they won’t need to, we’ll be subsidizing their wages just a little more directly is all.
What we’ll end up with is a “nationalized” or “subsidized” auto company with subsidized well paid UAW members making little teeny Pelosimobiles. So if you want to buy what you actually like or need in the near future, you’ll need to look to Toyota, BMW, Hyundai, etc. for a good product. (kinda reminds me of the 70’s)
When you need a new car, you’ll get a goverment owned (and taxpayer subsidized) bank loan, on a government manufactured car, and odds are good you’ll insure it with a government owned insurance policy (AIG or similar). While you’re there at the dealership, chances are the F&I guy will be able to access your health records electronically as well.
It’s a damn shame, GM is finally building a real quality product, world class in fact, in my opinion, and the US Congress is gonna turn it back into turd motors. Swell.
Now, that’s not exactly change you can believe in, but it IS change you better get used to.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


When April 15 rolls around this year, should you owe the IRS any taxes, instead of sending a check, simply opt for what I like to call "But I'm A Democrat" defense. Relax and take a year or two or 6 and pay it later.
I'm not kidding. EVERYBODY should do this.
After all, if these three high ranking Democrats are allowed to put off their obligations to the IRS until they got caught, why in the hell can't the rest of us?
UPDATE: Via Jake Tapper at ABC News: The informal battle between members of the Obama Administration and the Taxman resulted in a casualty Tuesday, with news that President Obama's nominee to be chief performance officer, Nancy Killefer, will withdraw her nomination following the revelation that she had a $946.69 lien on her property in 2005 for failure to pay taxes.
Taxes are for the "little people" and of course, Republicans.